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Information and consumer opportunities

With the help of mobile technology, we can now pay for parking directly from our phone. Built-in maps allow you not to get lost in any area of ​​an unfamiliar city. We have access to the transport schedule by pressing one button. After all, now we can just get to know and explore interesting places in the vicinity of which we find ourselves.

We now have more information about the world in our pockets and bags than ever before in history. In fact, it has become completely natural and habitual for hundreds of millions of people to immediately search smartphones and tablets for information about any activity. Our gadgets can already predict what information we might be interested in, and serve it to us in a convenient form.
This seemingly superficial and frivolous everyday use of mobile technology has changed the human community. It has made our connections with other people much wider and closer. On the Internet, we make real friends whom we have never met live in our life. We can learn and discuss any current issues and events taking place around the world. This stimulates the emergence of communities and the exchange of views that were simply not possible before.

On the other hand, the opportunity for one and all to express their opinion, led to the flourishing of such a phenomenon as network trolling. Unfortunately, many begin to get too carried away by participating in Internet squabbles, subconsciously splashing out the accumulated irritation and displeasure. Also, many users practice trolling as a way to have fun. In addition to the quite obvious destructive influence on conversations and discussions, trolling leads to the appearance of many useless comments and quarrels, provokes the interlocutors to “get personal.”

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