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Trends shaping up the mobile technology world

For your business to be successful, you always have to be on the newest trends of the industry. You need to be updated on the trends shaping up the industry and also do more research about your competitors. It goes without saying that the world is heading towards a mobile oriented filed, and this is why all businesses need to stay updated on the latest mobile trends changing things. These changes are perfect for companies that have a website or application that they use to reach their customers. Being educated on the mobile space does not mean if you are a developer or a small business owner. It is necessary to be educated about the mobile space. But how would you do this with the numerous communication channels at your disposal? Well, that could somehow prove to be tough and that is why this guide would really go a long way in helping you out.

  1. Android instant apps

Android instant apps are not a foreign phenomenon for people who have apps on the play store and android developers. These apps are designed to run instantly and they do not need installation to operate. Currently, these apps are available to both advanced developers and new developers alike, making this development accessible to anyone. Such apps are revolutionary and beneficiary for the developer and user. This makes it easier for a user to run the application without having to download it first. Currently, these apps are only available for android devices but we would like to see how it gets received in the tech market.

  1. Artificial intelligence

It is quite remarkable that robots are likely to take over every function in the world, even though we are not at this level yet, artificial intelligence has gone through so much advancement especially for mobiles. The popular AI systems people are aware of include siri, alexa and Google assistant. But now, many regular apps are adopting the use of voice recognition software and artificial intelligence to improve on the user experience. The use of AI will go a long way in bridging the translation deficiencies using voice recognition. By understanding the mobile user’s voice, developers will learn more about their people.

  1. Mobile security

Mobile security is very essential for businesses to protect their user information and enhancing safe transactions. This is because many users are reluctant when it comes to using payment apps due to security concerns and mistrust. Businesses that heavily rely on mobile payments need to assure their clients of safety before any transactions are carried out. Companies need to come up with ways to ensure that their customers are stress free when dealing with the business. This will help clients change their perception on how they think of mobile payments.

  1. Location based services

Every mobile user is aware that the mobile apps they are using is tracking their location. This happens because users actually give permission for the apps to track their location. When you install a new app on your device, you will get a request from the app requesting you to access your location. Some apps cannot function on your mobile if you do not allow them to access your location. This is true especially for apps like UBER and Lift which are used for rideshare. The app needs to connect to a driver and this only happens when they can reach your location.

  1. Augmented reality

Augmented reality feature allows apps to incorporate the real world into the app. The best example for this feature is Pokémon Go. Another example of augmented reality is the face filters that exist in apps such as snapchat and tiktok. Instagram has also joined among the apps that use this feature to remain exciting to their fans. When pokemon go used this strategy, it acted as a money generation tool. The game ended up having more than 800 million downloads and daily user numbers up to 5 million.

  1. Wearable technology syncing

The use of wearable technology has grown over the years. These accessories include smart watches, bracelets, health monitors and mobile app compatible glasses. When these accessories pair with mobile devices, they can be used for social functions. People can share the progress they make with their friends and treat it as a competition. One primary reason why this technology is getting popular is its ability to connect to mobile devices.

  1. Syncing homes with mobile devices

Many developers have com up with apps that can be used by consumers to improve their home experience. You will find applications that can control your air conditioning systems and thermostats. You can easily regulate home temperatures even when you are away from home. Home security systems are now being incorporated with mobile technology. You can get apps that have video cameras linked with your doorbell so when someone rings the bell, you can get to see them.

  1. Cross platform compatibility

Many app developers who think of creating an app for both android and iOS needs to utilize the cross-platform compatibility feature. It is very illogical for a business to develop an app that can be used only on one platform. Back then, businesses dreaded launching apps because of the high costs involved in creating two apps. But with the new technology, it is very easier to see apps that can work on android, Microsoft and iOS devices. With this feature, we have seen a rise in applications that operate on both platforms which mean more revenue for developers.

  1. Mobile payments

The increased use of mobile payment is a clear indication that mobile security has improved. Methods such as apple pay, venom, Google pay, PayPal and others have made an impact on how things need to be done. Banks have now come up with apps that make it easy for people to pay for products and services with just one tap. With the massive growth in use of mobile payment systems, this trend does not seem to slow down.

  1. Cloud based technology

Experts have predicted that the cloud market has seen rapid growth and there is going to be an increase in revenue. Most of these cloud based platforms are managed by Microsoft azure, Google, and amazon web services. Mobile applications have also made their move to use cloud-based technology. Even though there are a few improvements that need to be made, cloud-based mobile technology is still growing and will gain so much usability.

Final word

It does not matter what type of business you own, you need to stay updated on the latest technology trends. One reason you should try and be updated on technology trends is because most of your customer lives there. By understanding technology trends, your company will be ready to make any changes. You can choose to use any kind of technology ranging from machine learning, virtual reality and augmented reality. You could find the best developers who will help you come with apps incorporating these technologies.

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